Monday, February 11, 2008

amy winehouse

She's really hot. And she can sing a little, too. As for her troubles, even Time magazine points out that, unlike Britney, it's part of her art, part of what makes her capable of singing like she does. Besides which, she's hot. In case anyone forgot. Which rhymes.


Unknown said...

Hot? You're crazy. You and your hipster sensibilities...

Anonymous said...

This must have been written by Blogenick Smokesentino because Amy Winehouse is disgusting. There is not one feature or part on her body that is hot, except for her lips because she always has a rack pipe in it.

Anonymous said...

I must admit I also think there is a sense of hotness to her, but one has to ask what possibly could you have in common with her or any girl that looks or acts like her? Would you show here your copy of the National Review, your life size poster of Ronald Regan. Maybe at three in the morning while she is sitting in a corner smoking crack ( which if part of the allure I personally find of her) you could read a first edidtion litterature book.

Anonymous said...

amy winehouse = hot??? u've been drinking too many pbr's. lay off the cheap beer and get your life together...

the life of kings said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Just saw this.

You win.

She still scares me, but it is not officially in a good way.

Anonymous said...

...or, NOW officially in a good way.

Sorry, she has me flustered.