Saturday, April 26, 2008

penn relays photo journal: some random stuff

What's cool about track and field is how, when broken down, it's sport at its purest: sprinters, hurdlers and jumpers who possess speed and balanced strength, frail-looking distance runners with remarkable endurance, and throwers who are just big and beefy -- and that's just the women (ba-dum-CHING!). Anyway, here's a bunch of big high school dudes waiting to throw the discus on the fields just below the train tracks. Just 'cause.

So many athletes, so few places to stay loose or to warm up: many run through the city streets, zig-zagging around puzzled pedestrians, while others come here, to Penn's old baseball field beneath the train tracks:

The Jamaicans are coming! The Jamaicans are coming!

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